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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Neese

Mid-Youth Crisis

I saw a tweet the other day that put into words just how I was feeling about my stage in my life. It said something about how you are still so young yet feel like you’re running out of time and can’t accomplish all you want to. That’s exactly how I feel. I have so many expectations and dreams for myself that I always keep in the back of my mind. But then reality hits me and I feel like with school, not being a millionaire- all these factors are standing in the way of my dreams. There are so many silly things I want to do before I die: own a racehorse, move to California, become famous. But when am I going to achieve all of these things? I get so overwhelmed thinking of all I want to accomplish by the time I’m 25, I forget to take in each day and be grateful for what’s in front of me at the time. I don’t know if this is a rant about my lack of success or just a reminder to be grateful for your accomplishments now. Maybe this is a mid-youth crisis. I’ve talked to a lot of my friends that feel the exact same way, which is comforting that I’m not the only one feeling this way. I guess I just need to focus on where I’m at and making the best of it than mourning the things I have yet to achieve. I feel like there are all of these things I need to possess or accomplish to be fulfilled or happy, and I forget that happiness comes from within. So maybe I’ll move to Beverly Hills and become a famous singer one day--I’ll still chase that--but for now I need to be appreciative of all of the wonderful people and things I have in my life now, instead of taking them for granted.

now here are some pics of my friends that remind me how blessed I am every day <3

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