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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Neese

A wild year

Updated: Feb 2, 2018

With going brunette, getting a nose piercing, and living with a new attitude, amongst other things; this year has been a year of change. I've been single for over a year which is the first time that's happened since my first boyfriend in junior high (yikes). So I guess if there's anything I've learned this year- it's how to finally be independent, how to grow mentally, and how to love myself for who I am. Now don't get me wrong. It's not as easy as it sounds. There have been days I've been so down on myself and thought I'd never be content with who I am and where I'm at. But the key to overcoming those feelings are to just let them happen. How do you grow from situations without getting in ya feels??

I've found out it's okay to not know where you are/where you want to be in this moment, as long as you keep in mind that you're going to figure it out, and that everything will be okay.

We are young, we are still growing and developing, and we're not supposed to have everything figured out right now. So in the meantime, feel your feelings, find what makes you happy, hang out with people that make you laugh, and be open to doing new things and meeting new people. You never know if you never try!

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